Hi, I'm Kathryn
Payroll administrator turned web developer with a passion for creating beautiful websites and an active imagination that makes it happen.
I had always been interested in web design, but starting my own blog really encouraged me to learn development so I could create custom sites for myself and others. But blogs aren’t the end of the line, I look forward to creating many different applications in the future.
For this project, I really wanted to challenge myself and also make something I would use. This is a single page blog application built with JavaScript and Ember.js on the front end and a Ruby on Rails API. Users can post their feelings, and comment on other's posts, much like a regular blog engine. I think Ember was a good idea with this project, as it allowed me to write modular code and understand how a front end framework worked.
My first project, I made a single page application built with JavaScript to allow users to play Tic-Tac-Toe with log-in capability and ability to get game stats stored on a pre-built API on the back-end. Since this was the first application I built, it was difficult to get into the planning and coding routine, but once I was able to write the game logic, the rest of the project came together quite well.
I was inspired by my family owned veterinary practice to create this record keeping app using JavaScript and a custom Ruby on Rails app, allowing users to easily create, view, modify, and delete pet records for a veterinary hospital. I'd like to add a search feature to search for both owners and pets by name, and not just by ID number.
For this project, I worked as part of a team to create a full-stack online store, using a JavaScript-based client side, and back-end created with Express. Users can easily add an item to their cart, adjust quantity, and checkout using custom Stripe integration. The hardest part was to integrate Stripe as well as Express, as they were both new technologies.